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Getting started 🚀

1. Add the Plugin Dependency

Go to your build-logic folder, in the build-logic/build.gradle.kts, add the following dependency:


2. Apply the Plugin

You can chose a conventional gradle plugin to define your rules.

For example, I have a gradle plugin applied to all modules kmp-library-setup.gradle.kts. In this conventional plugin, you can add:

plugins {

3. Configure Your Architecture Rules

After apply the plugin, you can sync and define the architecture rules:

popcornGuineapigConfig {
    // You also can skip rules to help duing migration
    skippedRules = listOf(DoNotWithRule::class)

    configuration = PopcornConfiguration(
        project = PopcornProject(
            type = ProjectType.JAVA
        rules = listOf(
                notWith = listOf("[a-z]+-data")

4. Run the task

./gradlew popcorn

It is simple as a popcorn 🍿 + 🐹

If you want to know more details about the task, you can run:

./gradlew popcorn --info

Any problems you are facing, any suggestions you want to add, please feel free to reach us out.